Welcome to iFightDepression!
- A self-management tool based on cognitive behavioural therapy
- Designed to help you develop several skills to help you manage your depression
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Welcome! Nice that you are here!
Have you been experiencing tiredness, a lack of motivation, or depressed/low mood for more than 2-3 weeks? Or have you previously been diagnosed with mild to moderate depression? Then this programme can assist you in managing your depressive symptoms. It is free of charge and is intended to help individuals to self-manage their symptoms of depression and to promote recovery.
The tool is used with the support of a trained guiding health professional. Therefore, we kindly ask you to check for a guide: guides.ifightdepression.com/find.
Exception: Exceptions to this requirement are applicable only to languages where there is a lack of available health care professionals.
If you are a displaced person from Ukraine and unable to locate a guide within your current country of residence, please contact us via email using the provided email addresses below. We will provide you with access to iFightDepression tool. If you currently reside in the following countries,
For Bulgaria: spoc_s@abv.bg
For Estonia: ifd@suicidology.ee
For Germany: mesur@deutsche-depressionshilfe.de
For Greece: mesur@epapsy.gr
For Hungary: mesur@eaad.hu
For Poland: aliansprzeciwdepresji@aps.edu.pl
Important information: We suggest you to be in professional treatment when using the iFightDepression tool. Depression is a serious mental health disorder that requires professional treatment by physicians/ GPs, psychiatrists or psychological psychotherapists. The iFD cannot replace, but only can support professional treatment.
If you are a healthcare professional and are interested in implementing the tool within your practice, please email ifightdepression@eaad.net for more information.